4 Wooden Paintings + My Photography
Here are my 4 paintings for the 3rd Annual Power in Numbers, Nucleus Gallery. My pieces are small like postcard size in acrylics + coloured pencils on wood. DANG, they are quickly SOLD when the exhibit opens! Oh man, I'm crying now. OHMAIIGAWD, I can't believe this. I was like, "God, why did you bless me? Oh why Lord why why? Why did you surprise me? Words fail me, O Lord... ohmaiigawd...!" I'm very proud of my own characters Babu and his kitten Abu.

Here are my previous rough sketches. I must admit that I love these pencil pieces more than coloured ones. Because remember, pencil is my all-the-time favorite medium, hehehe.

Apart from this, I would like to share my photography with you guys. Before I did my rough sketches and coloured ones for the Nucleus Gallery, I got simple ideas from my garden. Nature always inspires me. Every 5 p.m., I always walk outside around my garden, play with my cats (my past cat pet Abu's family), dogs, goats and chickens, check my own old terra cotta sculptures (pigs and dog) and look something weird. It's like Hayao Miyazaki's film, My Neighbor Totoro. Sigh, I wish Totoro could visit and hug me in person at my garden! Then I wanna ride on the Catbus! Eeeeeeee!!!!! I love green and brown colors!

Good night and sweetdreams, guys!
Awww! The cats and chickens are so cuteee! <3 Always wished we had the space for more pets... We had a ton of cats at the old house, but we're in a smaller house now and only the neighbour's cat comes sometimes... :( [We call him Bushy Too, after a previous, very similar-looking kitty at our old house called Bushy.] And we have two rather useless terrapins and some fish in a bowl. XD
Anyway, to answer your question, I'd say because God is very, very kind. And fair. He knows you've been through such tough times and made it till today, and has blessed you with awesome talent and abilities. :D We should all be very thankful of what we have, yea? ^__^
Love all of your paintings, sketches and photos. Favourites are the 1st and 4th painting, and the sketch for painting #4, Babu at the Torii. Landscapes are hard to do! ^^;
These paintings and pencil drawings are all amazing! I especially love the angler fish one. You are very blessed and so am I to be so lucky to know your work.
freckie-chan!!!!!!! You're my big inspiration!!!! @______@ you should deserve it! agree with eric, i'm also blessed to know you and your incredible art (and photography)! love your animals! congrats!!!! waaaahhhhhhhh i wanna grab your paintings!!!!!! ;____; waahhh.... i wish i cud live in the states so i'd buy your art stuff! ;__;
mika <3 X 100
May Ann, congratulationsss!!!!!! Those are great great news!!!! You sold all paintings before the exhibition opened :O the three paintings are exquisite (colour, composition, execution). We really like "Babu The Gardener" and the red lantern on "Light Bite"... agree with previous comments that we are blessed and very lucky to know your art and you! :) You deserve this happiness and this success because your work is ma-gi-cal. ♥ ♥
You have wonderful skills as a photographer too! This collage is brilliant. It is fantastic to have a little peek at everything that inspires you and also to see your cute face XD
Oh, and the sculptures on your garden are so cute. That pig is adorable XD
Much love to you and congratulations again!!!
hello mall, your new wooden paintings are simply gorgeous!! I really love the sea dragon, in particular!! many compliments!
Yayness! *tra cha cha* ur wooden paintings are so beautiful! I love it! I love the first wooden painting.. the ine with the seahorse. Majikku Shi-ho-su. *teehee* Congrats dear!*huggles* and i love all your photos. :D
Mall.. noop. Its not dear. Its actually was for my art project. hehe. For the contest.. hehe its still in progress. huhu. I'll let you know. I will. ;) Have fun dear.
hi mall. you dont know me, just call me Kelly. i have a bipolar disorder. i want to tell you that i always visit your website, flickr and blog.... because your color vibrant illustrations, sketches and wood boards never cease making me happy... your art makes my depression disease very very calm.
thank you very much for helping me. i wholeheartedly agree with those commentors, i'm super lucky to know you and your art! please keep drawing!
Hola Mall! You deserve that and more and more good things! wow, I love your sketches, and the paintings are so adorable! I would like to have a garden like yours, with all those cats! God bless you! Have a nice day!
I'd love to live inside the world of your drawings...
mall.. yesterday i went to send my scholarship form to the government scholarship and the results was not good. They said i fail the requirement they needed. In order for me to get scholarship,I should get GPA of 2.00 but i only get 1.95. :( for now i'm trying to check for education loans at the banks. Hmm.. i haven't give up mall. I'll try! :D
aneesah: awwww! I didn't know that you're also an animal lover! Awwww, I really love your cat's name "Bushy", it sounds very adorable like CatBus. :) Can i see a pic of you cats especially Bushy? :D
Indeed, God is the best. He always inspires me strongly. We should always thank Him for everything. ;) Glad you loved my art pieces, so pleased! hehehe, but landscapes are so fun! ^_____^
eric: heheh me too, i like the angler fish one. :D hey me too, I'm so blessed to have met you as a nice friend! :)
mika: aishiteru!!!! tee heee! thanks, you should visit my country here so I can give you my free sketch / small painting! :D I wish I could visit you there in Japan.. so take me to Studio Ghibli and steal Hayao's pieces there... heheheheh! :D
pat & susana: thank you my lovely twin babes! I remember that we webcammed and chatted with each other when I was working on them for nucleus in january, right? Thanks for making me happy! :)
Oh hehehe, glad you loved my sculptures! I made them in 1999. ;) Sigh, I really miss my sculpture skills. Maybe in time... ;) I enjoyed taking more photos! :D next time, I'll visit you both in Portugal and take photos of me and you both! My dad convinced me to visit you both right now because he said that you both are so nice to me... so he said to me that he greatly thanked you both for helping, encouraging, loving and supporting me. *hugs*
kurachan: :D awww thank you sweetie!!!!!!
pupu: I like what you call "Majikku Shi-ho-su" *tee hee!* I can't wait to see your entries for Noma!!! Thanks for keeping me updated about your scholarship. That's okay that you failed, like I failed many times thru my art studies, hearing / speaking skills, grades, etc. :) Like I said, I agree with you, we shouldn't give it up! Dang... your grade was nearly 1.95!!!! >_____> i know you can do it, darling!
kelly: awwww..... thank you very much. *hugs* I'm so grateful and happy. I really hope you will overcome your depression. Whatever you feel down, don't forget to call your loved ones, aye? :) *hugs* you're more than welcome, kelly.
laura: hola! thank you, thank you! <333
anonymous: :) me too. tee hee! thank you!!!!
majeak ann: eeeeeeee, Majeak Annn!!!!! You're baaaccckkkkk!!!! Where have you been gone??? I miss you so much! Hehehe, everyone says im a hilarious silly funny girl... >___> thank you honey! Please keep posting your whimsical colorful illustrations! :) Mwah mwah mwah!!!!
Your have a special talent!
Your art is absolutely wonderful and I'm so happy because is always a pleasure see your fantastics posts.
Un abrazo muy muy fuerte.
gracias, Cata!!! *kisses*
Mall, you're incredible!!!!
my mom & I are wonders with your work!!!
all is light, all is marvelous!!!
from Chile our congratulations!!!!
coincido con cata, es un autentico placer ver tus dibujos... hemos quedado embelesadas!!!!
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